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Halloween masks online

Pubblicato da Mara Mencarelli su 21 Settembre 2017, 08:23am

Tags: #Moda e Bellezza

Halloween is the funnyhest horror party. If you want to wear your horror dress you also will need a mask. You can find halloween masks online  without difficulties. Halloween is a very special party loved by children and adults.

The spirit of this party is cheerful, horror but very fun. Who would you like to represent wearing your Halloween mask?

What will be my halloween mask?
I still do not know but I'm undecided. For example, I like witch clothes, maybe a modern witch with a little black mask on the face, I really love dark clothes.

Halloween masks

Halloween masks

Halloween masks online: terrifying or graceful?

But I must say that there are terrible and very beautiful masks in online sites.

Do you want a terrific or graceful mask? Or maybe you prefer a funny mask  like the photo below. A horse mask is very original for a Halloween party!!!


Horse mask for halloween

Horse mask for halloween

For halloween many people want to be original, other beautiful, others still inciting terror. Terrific halloween masks are so many. 

look what I chose: Monster Printed Mask With Wig, really terrible! And then Yeduo Latex Grimace Monster Mummy Mask: a very ugly mummy, it looks real!

Terrifying mask for halloween

Terrifying mask for halloween

I Think whatever mask you choose for your Halloween party will be a success: elegant, terrifying, or perhaps as spirited and sympathetic as that of the horse!

Once you have chosen the mask you will need to think about which dress to wear. Only then will your look for halloween be complete. You can find beautifull online dresses on the site Dresslily

Halloween masks

Halloween masks

The dress for Halloween



Now: What do you think of these picture masks?  I find them fantastic!


I like a lot those masks and I also like Halloween outfit dresses. I think I will choose a modern and elegant witch for the coming halloween party.


And you: Have you chose the right mask for you?

Good halloween party! :-)

Halloween dresses

Halloween dresses

Maschera ed abito per la festa di Halloween: quale scegliere?

Sia gli adulti che i bambini amano mascherarsi per la festa di Halloween ma per farlo, si deve scegliere una maschera ed un vestito appropriato. Le idee e le soluzioni sono moltissime e varie: spiritose, eleganti, terrificanti, tradizionali e non, dunque  si può optare, senza tanti problemi per  un acquisto online approfittando dell'ampia offerta di proposte.  Nelle immagini sopra ho illustrato alcune maschere ed alcuni abiti per la festa di Halloween ma nel sito (di cui troverai il link sopra), le soluzioni presenti sono davvero tante e perfette per mascherarsi. Puoi puntare sulla tradizione e scegliere un abito da strega con relativa maschera, come ad esempio, piace a me, o magari scegliere un originale abito da cavallo elegante. Ognuno ha i suoi gusti e i propri desideri per la festa di Halloween e tu quale maschera pensi di scegliere? Elegante, spiritosa o terrificante?

Buon Halloween!

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